História združenia
Neziskové Občianske združenie " DOBRÉ ROKY 50 PLUS " sme založili v roku 2007, ako spolok nadšencov aktívneho, plnohodnotného života vo všetklých oblastiach, bez ohraničenia vekom.
Riadime sa heslom „ Čoho sa nevzdáme, to nikdy nestratíme “ a ako svoju misiu sme si stanovili podporovať všetky aktivity, ktoré smerujú hlavne k príprave plynulého prechodu medzi etapou výkonu profesionálnej praxe, do rovnako významnej životnej etapy a to etapy osobného rozvoja a realizácie v „ seniorskom “ období života. Ak zdieľate rovnaké hodnoty pridajte sa k nám, tešíme sa na vás.
SLOVAKIA-Dobre roky 50+/Our company was established in 2007 to provide various types of trainings and education for the people in the age group 50+Our NGO is working in the fields of Liefolong lerning, culture, arts and history, active citizenship, educational and vocational activities, social and cultural activities. The members of the association are young people, adults, professionals, students, graduatesand. A special group of our concern is the 50+ citizens.
Our association organizes different courses like language courses, self improvement programs, sports activities,such as Pilates, folk dancing for seniors, facial gymnastics, healing power of the voice and many activities promoting active and healthy life-style for people over 50+. We would like to take part in differnet kinds of Partnership projects of LLL to exchange experiences and be active also in fields for people with less opportunities, migrants and refugees.